How to place an order with delivery in Russia?
If you are in Russia or want to make delivery within the Russian Federation, then it will be most convenient to make a purchase on our website:
  1. add the desired product to the cart
  2. go to the cart (you can close the cart and select other items and then continue with the checkout)
  3. write your name and contacts
  4. choose a suitable payment method
  5. send order to us

If you have chosen Cashless payment method (only for business), then we will contact you to receive your details and then send you an invoice for payment. You can also independently send us the details to the mail indicated in the Contacts section.

Cash payment is only possible for delivery within Moscow.

If you have not found a suitable payment method in our list, please write to us, we will contact you.


If, for some reason, it is inconvenient for you to place an order on our website, then you can buy our products on partner websites.

Delivery outside Moscow is calculated individually for each order and depends on the size, weight and destination. As a standard, we use Russian Post, but if you wish, we can send by other companies.

Delivery within Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road, free of charge for purchases from $100
If the order amount is less than $100, then delivery within the Moscow Ring Road will be $5
Outside the Moscow Ring Road, delivery is calculated individually by prior arrangement.
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